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Showing posts with the label Ubuntu

Reduce External Monitor Brightness on Ubuntu 20.04, 21.10

External Monitors are a great addition to any workspace. I have a Full HD Benq one connected with my laptop via HDMI cable to do multi-tasking. What I don't like about this setup is the external screen is still very bright even after setting it to the lowest possible setting via physical buttons present on the monitor. Changing brightness on the Laptop doesn't affect the brightness of the external monitor. However, In Ubuntu, you can adjust the brightness level of any connected monitor by opening up a terminal/command line and entering a few comments. Xrandr is the command we would be using to achieve this. How to change External Monitor Brightness on Ubuntu Linux Open a Terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T ) Enter the command xrandr -q | grep " connected" and press Enter. Find the external monitor name displayed in this command's output. In my case, it is  HDMI-1 To change the brightness enter this command xrandr --output HDMI-1 --brightness 0.5 and press Ente...

Easy way to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux ( Focal Fossa )

After a few weeks of Beta testing, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux is now finally out with improved security and new software features. If you have been using an older Ubuntu version like 18.04, 18.10, 19.04, 19.10, etc, it's easy to upgrade to the new Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa via command line. How to upgrade? Open a Terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T ) Type in "update-manager -d" command and enter After entering that command, Ubuntu will check for a new version upgrade. However, if there are pending updates for your system, you would need to install those first before Ubuntu to show you an option to upgrade to 20.04. So, after updating everything on your system, try the above command again. If you want to try this latest version from scratch, you can download the .iso file from the official website and create a bootable USB drive. You can also boot it as a Live CD and try if everything works well on your hardware, before Installing it on to the hard drive.  Find...

Create Bootable Elementary OS Install USB Disk on Ubuntu

Want to try the new version of the beautiful Elementary OS 5.1 Hera  ? You can use it / test run it without installing it on your laptop using a Live installation USB drive. You can easily create a Bootable Elementary USB 'Live CD' using built in tools that ship with Ubuntu Linux operating system.  Every recently launched version of Ubuntu has a build in tool called Start Up Disk Creator ( command line to launch this app is usb-creator-gtk ). Using this tool, it's very easy and straight forward to create a live bootable installation usb drive. Open the Start up Disk Creator app and choose the ISO path and select the USB drive you want to install it on. Remember to backup the contents of the USB drive, as this process will format the drive and all contents will be deleted. Once you have selected ISO and USB, click on 'Make start up disk' button and wait for the process to complete.

Easy Way to Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB on Ubuntu Linux [ Dec 2019 ]

If you have been searching online to find a good, working and easy way to create a bootable Windows 10 USB install drive on Ubuntu Linux, chances are, almost all the ones you tried didn't work out. I had to try a lot and finally one worked - i am posting below the one that worked for me. OMGUbuntu has a tutorial "How to Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB on Ubuntu" which used to work, but no longer works properly. We can call this tutorial a modified version of that How to article as we are going to use the same software to create the bootable USB. First Step : Install WoeUSB - it is a simple tool that enable you to create your own usb stick windows installer from an iso image or a real DVD. It is a fork of Congelli501's WinUSB.  I am on Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo 64bit - so i have to i nstall this WoeUSB.deb package.  You can find other WoeUSB.deb files here . Alternately, you can install it using a PPA PPA Method to install WoeUSB sudo add-apt-repository p...

How to Install Darktable 3 on your Ubuntu Linux

Darktable 3.0.0rc0 is now out with a lot of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements. Currently, there are no .deb package available to install on your Ubuntu machine. However, you can easily build Darktable from source code. Dec 27 2019 Update : Darktable 3.0 Stable Version in Officially out . On Ubuntu just enter the below command to install 3.0. sudo apt-get install darktable ____________________________________ Download Darktable 3.0.0rc0 source file from here . Right click the downloaded file and 'Extract here'. Now open a terminal and navigate to the extracted folder ( in my case it's a /home/myusername/Downloads/ ) and enter the following commands. ./ --prefix /home/yourusername/darktable --build-type Release Substitute 'yourusername' with your Login name. Enter the folder name you want Darktable to be installed after yourusername/ ( for eg : yourusername/darktable ) Wait until above process is complete. When it's do...