External Monitors are a great addition to any workspace. I have a Full HD Benq one connected with my laptop via HDMI cable to do multi-tasking. What I don't like about this setup is the external screen is still very bright even after setting it to the lowest possible setting via physical buttons present on the monitor. Changing brightness on the Laptop doesn't affect the brightness of the external monitor. However, In Ubuntu, you can adjust the brightness level of any connected monitor by opening up a terminal/command line and entering a few comments. Xrandr is the command we would be using to achieve this. How to change External Monitor Brightness on Ubuntu Linux Open a Terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T ) Enter the command xrandr -q | grep " connected" and press Enter. Find the external monitor name displayed in this command's output. In my case, it is HDMI-1 To change the brightness enter this command xrandr --output HDMI-1 --brightness 0.5 and press Ente...
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