Huawei has officially launched Honor 9X International / Global edition and is coming soon to India as well. This Global Honor 9X variant is different from the one they launched a couple of months ago in China. There are some very surprising specs changes. The biggest surprise is that Honor 9X ships with Google Apps and Play Store despite Huawei's Ban by US govt. Huawei is yet announced the price of Honor 9X in India. Stay Tuned. So what are the differences between Honor 9X Global Version / Indian Variant and Chinese Variant ? The main difference is in the Chipset Huawei is using on these phones. Honor 9X and 9X Pro Chinese variants come with the latest mid-range Kirin 810 7nm octacore chipset while the Global 9X model has an older 11nm Kirin 710F chipset on board. Performance wise, Kirin 810 is faster as well as offer better battery efficiency. One other difference is in the placement of the fingerprint sensor. On the Chinese model, the power button doubles up as a fing...
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