SanDisk has launched Ultra Dual Drive Luxe USB Type-C Flash Drive in India. It comes in 32GB / 64GB / 128GB / 256GB / 512GB and 1TB storage options. This is a Dual drive, which means you can plug this into your Android smartphones and tablets with Type-C port and also use it with your PC / Laptop using the other end which has a USB Type-A connector. SanDisk Ultra Dual Drive Luxe is now available to pre-order in India online from ( check here for current lowest prices ). As a launch offer, you can apply some discount coupons as well ( Rs 50 - Rs 650 ). This will ship to customers on July 4, 2020, onwards. This is an all-metal flash drive that would come in handy when you want to back up photos/videos from your smartphone without the hazel of using wires. Using the SanDisk Memory zone app, you can also enable Automatic backup of your files. According to the official specs page, you can get up to 150MB/s read speeds as it uses USB 3.1 Gen 1 tech. Price...
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