Motorola has launched it's foldable smartphone Moto Razr in India. It is priced at Rs 1,24,999! Yes, Rs 1,24,999 - that's higher than iPhone 11 Pro Max. One other recently launched foldable phone - Samsung Galaxy Z Flip - is actually priced less at Rs 1,09,999! While Samsung chose to pack their foldable phone with decent high-end specs, Motorola's Razr ships with mid-range specs. Moto Razr Launch Offer on Flipkart: ₹10,000 Cashback on Transactions with Citibank Credit and Debit Cards ( More Info here ) Specs and Features It is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 octa-core processor and comes with 6GB of ram and 128GB of storage. It has a 2510mAh battery on board. Moto Razr sports a 6.2-inch Plastic OLED foldable display as well as an Interactive Quick View mini display on the back. According to Flipkart, Moto Razr features a Sony IMX519 Exmor RS lens which is seen older smartphones like OnePlus 6, Oppo Find X, Realme 3 Pro, etc. It also sports a secondary 5M...
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