has announced Samsung Galaxy M40 will be on Discount during their Republic Day 2020 sale from Jan 19-22. Offer price will be Rs 13,999 . Current selling price for Galaxy M40 online in India is Rs 16,999. Read verified customer reviews for this phone here . M40 is a mid-range Android smartphone and is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon SD 675 octacore processor. Many other Samsung mobiles in this price range have Samsung Exynos processors inside. It ships with a 3500mAh battery on board. It has a Full HD+ Infinity-O display with a tiny camera hole at the left top corner. It comes with 6GB of ram and 128GB of storage. On the back of the phone, there are 3 cameras. The main sensor is a 32MP F1.7 camera. The secondary lens is a 8MP F2.2 aperture Ultra wide angle lens. There is also a 5MP F2.2 aperture lens for Live Focus aka Portrait depth sensor. Since this is powered by Snapdragon 675 , it comes with 4K recording support. On the front, ,there is a 16MP shooter ready for...
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