HP has launched 15q-dy0011AU 15.6-inch Laptop in India at a price of Rs 24,519 ( MRP Price is Rs 34,256 ) on Amazon.in. This is an entry-level, budget laptop, useful for everyday usage. This is not suitable for high end, performance hungry jobs. HP Notebook 15q-dy0011AU is powered by AMD A9-9425 Dual-Core processor with 3.1 GHz base frequency. It can go up to 3.7 GHz burst frequency and 1 MB cache. It comes with 8 GB DDR4-1866 SDRAM. For graphics, there is AMD Radeon R5 Graphics . In the storage department, this HP Notebook comes with 1TB 5400 rpm SATA hard disk drive. The display on the HP 15q-dy0011AU is a 15.6" HD SVA, BrightView, micro-edge WLED-backlit screen with 1366 x 768 pixels resolution. For wireless connectivity, you get Realtek RTL8723DE 802.11b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.2. When it comes to Ports, there is a multi-format SD card reader slot, 2 USB 3.1 Gen 1 slots, 1 USB 2.0 slot, 1 HDMI port, RJ 45 slot and a 1 headphone/microp...
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